For your convenience there is a lit parking lot on the northeast corner as well as unlimited street parking. Drive through the circular drive accessible in this parking lot to drop off; Just a short walk under cover will get you into the main doors, which are handicap accessible. There are multiple handicap parking spaces throughout the property.
Our entrances are confusing! The main entrance is off the circular drive, accessed from the parking lot. There is a convenient covered walkway from the parking lot in the event of inclement weather. Mobility an issue? There is a drop-off area if you use the circular drive.
Our main doors are handicap accessible, just look for the PUSH button to activate.
Coat rooms are located by both entrances. However, coats are allowed in the sanctuary so feel free to keep it with you.
Handicap accessible men's/ladies' restrooms are located off the gathering space. A family/unisex restroom is located outside Fellowship Hall, just a quick ride on the adjacent elevator. Child care stations are available in all.
We love to see families at worship!! Activity bags are available to keep little hands occupied and are located in the gathering area, just ask an usher. Children are encouraged to be in worship. For those that play quietly there is a space for them to play with quiet toys in worship (the Pray-ground). If desired, a staffed nursery for children under age 5 during Sunday morning activities is available free of charge. We kindly request that only healthy children attend.
Grace is completely handicap accessible! Whether you are parking your car, entering the building, worshiping or need restrooms, we have made it convenient for you and your family. Our worship space accommodates wheelchairs and includes assistive devices that allow your family to sit with you. Large print bulletins are available as well as hearing assistance. Just ask an usher. Additionally, there is a full-size elevator available for events on different levels of the building.
You will notice many crossing themselves at various times throughout worship, a very Christian thing to do.
You will be welcomed by a “Greeter” who will introduce you to the Host. The Host will answer any questions you may have as well as make sure you feel welcome and comfortable at Grace. You will be introduced to the Pastor and invited to stay for Coffee after worship.
As you walk into the worship space an usher will hand you a bulletin (large print available). Everything needed, including hymns, is printed in the bulletin.
Jesus Christ, present in this Meal of bread and wine, invites every person to share in Holy Communion, especially children. Ushers will assist you to come forward and receive a piece of bread, then select either the red wine or the white grape juice and return to your seat. Gluten-free wafers are also available; talk to the pastor if you require gluten-free. If you would prefer not to commune today, you are welcome to come forward with your hands crossed.
A collection plate will be at the front of the church and one near the back of the church to drop an offering on your way to communion. Many of our members give electronically so not everyone puts an envelop in the plate.
We want you to stay after the service and grab a cup of coffee in the gathering space. Juice is available for children.
Visitor Packets are available at the Welcome Desk, please feel free to take one.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Join us for worship at 9am on Sunday.
We also have a Tuesday, 12:10pm devotional service.